Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Các chế độ Game > Sheep vs Wolf 2

Sheep vs Wolf 2

by Gallas - 1122 downloads

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Gameplay video by: 44Quantum and ThenojokingMan
1 Example random map -->

Example random map

(a giant map with 8 players)

Technical informations

Possible changes at next update
(listed here to discuss before it goes live, feel free to comment it)2.7.1 - Not that fast and furious2.7.1 - Berserker small Hunger bonus (not full free)

Example random map

(a giant map with 8 players)rm_small240.PNG

Technical informations

Possible changes at next update
(listed here to discuss before it goes live, feel free to comment it)2.7.1 - Not that fast and furious2.7.1 - Berserker small Hunger bonus (not full free)
Version log
Current version 2.7.0:2.7.0 - Wolves should not get stuck while cutting trees (thanks to Jack__Reacher for report and bug explain)2.7.0 - Fixed Tiger graphics targeting (if need I can do same fix with other units/mods)2.7.0 - Sheep Ai follows Flare X by allies2.7.0 - Night maps are actually in night2.6.4 - Swiftfoot gold nerf from 500 to 300 gold / tech (info)2.6.4 - Elephant eating animation is fixed for Wolf2.6.3 - Quick fix the alpha armor (thanks to [MM]Blood_Drainer for report)2.6.2 - Some changes with Gatherer and Devastator civs (info)2.6.2 - Alpha Wolf +1000 base hp and +10/10 armor2.6.2 - Bloodbone and Swiftfoot tech civ bonuses works on Wolf upgrades too2.6.2 - Wolf bones techs takes -20 sec less to research2.6.2 - Iron bones cost +100 food and Titanium bones cost -500 food2.6.2 - Wolf eating range extended from 0.1 to - Wall hp techs takes +10 sec longer to research2.6.2 - Fortified Rock cost +200 stone and +60 sec to research2.6.2 - Birds no longer should be able to hide over the Yurt2.6.2 - Lama/cow should not turn into birds (thanks to SpecialZ_ for report)2.6.2 - Lama/cow always should drop food if dies (thanks to Seldom_Pooper for report)2.6.1 - Swiftfoot got a little bonus (info)2.6.1 - Turkey from Yurt cost 300 food instead of 200, but have 200 food instead of 1002.6.1 - Black sheep gives 250 food instead of 150 and created faster2.6.1 - Croc can eat Swan and Owl2.6.1 - Ultimate LT. and U. Towers gives +5/5 damage2.6.1 - Fixed: Market can direct send Trade unit to other market (Reeds still not)2.6.1 - Minimap-mode's texts are fixed for SvsW2.6.1 - When Wolf Cave is down, it removes Yurt units too2.6.0 - Some Wolf civ is changed (info)2.6.0 - Cost of Coinages has been increased by few hundred gold2.6.0 - Ult tower tech gives +25 damage for WK and +15 for MLT instead of attack speed2.6.0 - Cow size is 0.2 instead of 0.25 (less chance to get stuck) and work rate is 1.15 instead of - Lions -20 attack, -20 armor, -20% attack and movement speed, but +200 hp2.5.9 - Cave healing do +20/+20/+30 instead of +10/+10/+20 hp/sec2.5.9 - Wolf can research some more hp% techs in Cave2.5.8 - Wolf difficulties are -20%/+10/+25% instead of -20%/+20/+50%2.5.8 - One ultimate technology is less ultimate a bit2.5.7 - Quick fix what nobody seen2.5.6 - Yurt mov speed on trading units shouldn't reduce the work rate (thanks to deepan_raj for report)2.5.6 - Macaw/Hawk no longer safe from Wolf over the Yurt (thanks to CFV and Llama_ for report)2.5.6 - Ultimate towers techs are fixed and reworked (thanks to CFV for report)2.5.6 - Devastator -1 LoS in Birth age2.5.6 - Croc can eat dead Shark2.5.6 - Chemistry tool-tip is fixed2.5.6 - SvsW2 logo next to minimap2.5.5 - No more dead Bison should spawn (I get tired of Bison bugs)2.5.5 - Caravan should work on Cow too2.5.5 - Added a new tech in Market: Herding2.5.4 - Fixed Cow-Swan text bug (thanks to Rosie for report)2.5.4 - Fixed Bison spawn amount on normal map (thanks to deepan_raj for report)2.5.3 - Lots of host room texts has been edited for easier understanding what do what2.5.3 - Starting resource is always same, regardless of settings2.5.3 - Added one new Optional settings tip how to pick random or teamed starting locations.2.5.3 - Wolf can garrison into the Cave from bigger distance2.5.3 - Plate Mail Armor gives +20 melee armor not just pierce2.5.3 - Increased the respawn time for gaia animals in 10%2.5.3 - UP1.5 - Yurt spawn is +/-10% random from middle of the map2.5.3 - UP1.5 - Food in Small fish is between 20-25 (default 20) instead of 20-302.5.3 - UP1.5 - Food in Large fish is between 40-50 (default 40) instead of 40-602.5.3 - Wolf skull generates 40% more gold2.5.3 - Bison is a rare gaia animal from now2.5.3 - Few civ changes (link)2.5.3 - New Sheep units for land trading: Lama and Cow (cow need full market up)2.5.3 - Lama +10% and Cow +30% work rate compared to Bison from previous versions2.5.3 - Ultimate Keep cost 15.000 wood, 10.000 gold and 5.000 stone instead of 30.000 wood2.5.3 - Ultimate WK cost 15.000 stone, 10.000 wood and 5.000 gold instead of 30.000 stone2.5.3 - Ultimate LT cost 15.000 gold, 10.000 stone and 5.000 wood instead of 30.000 gold2.5.3 - Watch Tower attack speed has b
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